The COVID-19 pandemic that has swept the world has disrupted so many areas of our lives. Early on, major national CRE conventions like ICSC RECon in Las Vegas were postponed “indefinitely.”
Next Realty and our luncheon co-sponsors annually attend what is billed as one of the retail sector’s largest dealmaking and networking opportunities which includes trade show floor activities, meetings, panel discussions and social events.
With ICSC RECon canceled for 2020, Next Realty has been quick to pivot, embrace new technology and make lemonade from lemons. Rather than hosting a luncheon that typically attracts several hundred people, Next Realty and the other sponsors of the luncheon program are now hosting a Zoom Webinar, the VIP (Vegas–in–Place) Program. The webinar will be held at noon CST on Monday, May 18.
During the VIP Program, we will share what we are learning and how we will adapt as an industry. If there is anything this pandemic has taught us, it’s the need to be flexible!
Participants in the Zoom session, moderated by Eteri Zaslavsky, Managing Director of Next Realty, will include:
- Andy Hochberg, CEO, Next Realty
- Tom Jaros, Partner, Real Estate Group, Levenfeld & Pearlstein
- Dan Rosenberg, Managing Director, Capital Markets, Cohen Financial
- David Benz, Managing Director, Tax, FGMK
In a 60-minute program, these established CRE professionals share their perspectives on ownership, management and leasing matters, legal issues, financial topics as well as tax and accounting issues. Topics that are likely to be discussed include:
- What were the sudden and immediate impacts of the healthcare and financial crisis on the various segments of CRE, and especially the retail sector?
- What have been among the hardest lessons learned, by individual companies and the various sectors within the industry?
- What are the most optimistic takeaways from this crisis?
- What does the future—the new normal—look like in the philosophies of owners, investors, attorneys, lenders, etc.?
- Who emerges and will have the greatest opportunity to flourish in a new normal?
If you are interested in participating in the VIP (Vegas-in-Place) Program webinar, CLICK HERE to register, or e-mail us at for more information.